Pakistan Home Secretary Shakeel Qadir Khan to accept all the demands of public prosecutors, DG immediately Committee of demands for early implementation of the Directive, the last day public prasykutrz Officer Welfare Association President KP Saeed Naeem Khan led public prasykutrz the Home Secretary Shakeel Qadir Khan met the DG prasykusn Adil Siddiqui, Director Admin Bilal was also Mohiuddin, and ISO Jahanzeb Khan, met Saeed Naeem Khan said Home Secretary KP afsyr crowd that suffers from many problems of the province are referred prasykutrz detailed briefing on issues including registration points, grade 19 of 20 Gradation, grade Working Party pyzayd Regulation of the employees of Hawk lyzaysn, the province increased alaunsyz KP IPPs 19, utility allowance, risk allowance to all IPPs, they ensure security Making, managing vehicles, offices and accommodation for district and senior public prasykutrz, cell established at the level of each district, to the shortage of staff, the establishment of a separate department for prasykuysn, service Street ykcr the High Court and the Supreme Court to increase, to allocate ten percent quota for IPPs Secretariat, Planning Academy to establish, new residential projects in the works to be included in the sale, delivery and IPPs to the martyrs packages for IDPs in our demands that the Home Secretary Shakeel Qadir Khan Announced the approval of all the demands, saying that I do believe that KP IPPs suffers from serious problems and situations which they appreciate that they are performing duties, he said that people demands legitimate, he immediately DG prasykusn directed to this effect immediately put these cases to send me, and implement them by contacting the relevant departments, he points quick registration KP Chief Minister and will also take up the time sworn community of people who said Naeem Khan thanked the Home Secretary.
Pakistan Home Secretary Shakeel Qadir Khan to accept all the demands of public prosecutors