Swat Tehsil Nazim babuzy Ikram Khan has said that without local development is impossible, the victim of government reluctance of local representatives of the powers, stated he organized a ceremony with local organization Islampur Cottage Industry Speaking of people who are the project director attend Gul and others also addressed the director came out and said that we are trying the problems of selected municipal be resolved by the representatives of the same street, the real representative of the Thank Rad are important role in solving problems while addressing the ceremony Hall Director Ikram Khan said that the provincial government is seen to fail completely in public issues and municipal representatives is also hesitant about the options he publicly issues on nchly level under the local system can members of the Assembly law-making and law-making processes involved in the development process municipal representatives tfuyz to go the computers in the offices of three union councils of district greeting from the project, printers, UPS and other furniture mnqdh meeting was also selected elders in the area, provide m the number kunslran Of the participants.
Swat Tehsil Nazim babuzy Ikram Khan has said that without local development is impossible, the victim of government reluctance of local representatives of the powers